Monday, February 14, 2011

Making a Play

So, after much consideration and analysis Martin and I have decided to write a play based on our observations of several of Shakespeare’s works, as well as a few other key plays that relate to the themes that we are discovering.  I think this will be a good opportunity to synthesize my learning, and to put into action a few of the specifics that I have observed as linguistic trends.  We have a lot of ideas and plan to record our journey from concept to concrete on our individual blogs.  To keep them from being mirror blogs of each other, I will be putting in a lot of the back reasoning behind the choices I make in crafting the play so as to show the relationship between the things I study, and the play.  If all goes according to plan we should have the plot outline completed, and a handful of scenes for the play done by the end of next week.  As I post the ideas and progress of the play, please feel free to provide as much input as you would like.  This is a bit ambitious, but it is the overall end project that I hope to do for the course since it will reflect the things learned throughout this course in an engaging way, or at least I sure hope that you find this more entertaining than a term paper.