Monday, February 21, 2011

Peer Blog Evaluation

I’m briefly evaluating the blog "On Shakespeare" by Max O.  This will be enjoyable for me since I have been regularly reading from his blog throughout the class thus far.  He has a great blog worth looking into.  let me explain why...

Number of Posts:  12

Quality of Posts:  On a regular basis Max has posted twice a week.  He made seven posts in January keeping his posts regularly paced with the units we were reading at the time.  As of 2/21/2011 He has made five posts in the month of February.   He seems to be keeping his posts keenly focused, and does not appear to post superfluously.  Max regularly takes a unique approach to his blogging subject.  He has done an interview, he has screened films while reading the text, he has even made a plea to iTunes for Shakespeare oriented podcasts. 

Strengths:  He has a great strength in relating his study of Shakespeare to life’s regular activities as seen here.  This approach makes Max’s blog stand out, since he is not only providing analysis of the work, but often showing a practical application of his observations.  He does a fantastic job of keeping his blogs easy to read by providing summaries in the beginning, and read more links at the end.  This is especially useful when I am short on time, and has often helped me to think a subject over before returning to read the full post.  He has also helped to organize the Flash Mob performance, and created the great idea of labeling posts according to the learning outcomes that they fulfill which I am currently copying on my Blog.  Thanks Max!

Suggestions:  Max is doing well in applying his Learning Objectives.  Particularly of incorporating business with Shakespeare as seen here.  I think he could also look at the business of putting on a play (scene production costs, hiring actors, etc.)  He mentions that he will be using The Tales Of Shakespeare, and Shakespeare and Modern Culture in his review of the plays.  I haven’t seen these thoroughly incorporated yet, but imagine that I will now that the pace of the course is not necessarily a play a week and should provide the time to focus and pull out some awesome depth.

Overall I am enjoying Max’s innovative takes on the academic blog, and look forward to seeing how he will develop the focus of business as he moves into an even greater depth while examining the plays.