Friday, March 25, 2011

BYU Technology Forum: Zuckerberg and Senator Hatch

Today I am writing this blog from a Forum on technology at Brigham Young University.  The forum speakers are Mark Zuckerberg and Senator Orin Hatch.  My Previous post about the changing Literary Canon addressed a few questions about the new reader audience that is developing as a product of the advancement of technology.  Zuckerberg has been able to successfully capitalize on this new readership through his invention of Facebook.  Because the nature of this blog deals directly with utilizing technology to communication information of an academic nature, while attending the forum I’m looking for the methods employed in the creation of Facebook that helped to maintain participant interest.  This is a great opportunity, and I am grateful to Dr. Burton for suggesting our attendance as a class.

The Forum was excellent and I will post my notes once I have them better organized.  There were a few key moments when subjects were addressed that have a clear application to my focus on teaching.