Sunday, March 27, 2011

Notes on the Technology Forum

While organizing my notes from the Technology Forum from last Friday, I wanted to include a video clip from the event.  When I went to the BYU homepage to find a clip, I saw that their article closely mirrors the things that I found intriguing.  So, rather than list all my notes here, i suggest reading their article for a summary.  In this post i will go over some of the things that seemed most applicable to this blog that i did not see in that article.  
I really enjoyed his statements directed towards emphasizing on the people as the source for the organization of Facebook.  I recognized a direct correlation to this directional approach to his business, and the establishment of a consumer oriented blog. 

Keeping in mind not just the fact that you are writing for an audience, but that the audience is everything for your blog is crucial to success.  This is the especially case with an academic blog, because the blogger is writing to a specific niche in society, and needs to curtail the information in response to that; however,  a complication arises due to the open nature of the internet.  Because the internet can provide access to my blog and may in fact direct someone to any number of entries within it, interconnecting my blog posts is critical because I do not wish to alienate any reader.  Dr. Buton has discussed this in class, but I think that examining this aspect of the academic blog, in light of these business strategies explained by Mark Zuckerberg further emphasizes its importance.

In fact, the importance of this has really impacted my opinion of my blog, and I plan to go over it before the end of the semester and reorganize each post to illustrate the larger picture of what I have been attempting to do here.  I have learned a lot since my first entry in January and think that I owe it to myself to refine my blog so that the end product reflects the growth I have experienced over the semester.