Monday, March 7, 2011

Focusing on Renaissance Teaching Methods

In my blog I am continuing to refine my focus, and will be spending considerable time over the next few weeks learning about the methods of Renaissance learning.  I want to know what Shakespeare was doing when he learned to write so that I can incorporate these methods, which have proved highly successful, into my own writing.  In order to reach this goal I will:

  • Identify the motivations for Renaissance education
  • Examine Renaissance Teaching Skills
  • Review and analyze some examples from the period
    • revision: Analyze contemporary works for his time and find the similar process?
    • revision: look to the source work and see the process from a section of it to the Shakespearian transformation of it (should show the method)
  • Track the progression of these methods into their modern counterparts (if they exist)
  • Apply these methods to an analysis of various Shakespeare works (specifically his plays)
  • Teach in some setting according to these methods
  • Apply these methods to a revision of the play that I am writing with Martin

This post will function as a hub for my learning and I will refer to and expand it as I continue to explore these specifics.   Here we go!