Friday, January 28, 2011

Analysis Tip from Tom Stoppard

As I said in an earlier post I have done considerable work in analyzing “Hamlet” and “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead.”  After what we talked about it class today, I really think I would like to polish it up and post about it when we finish covering the learning outcome for breadth in a few weeks.  I am glad that we are reading several plays rather rapidly at the offset since this will help to satisfy that requirement and I can already see how doing this is gearing me up for a future more thorough analysis.   I sort of think of it as an intense training exercise.  I am posting this video now because I don’t want to forget about it, as I will need it later on, and because so many other students in the class have expressed ideas in production.  
I really like what Stoppard says in this clip about the need for definite control of the order of events in the play.  His emphasis on this as a strategy for crafting a successful scene helps me to form a clearer idea for how I would like to perform analysis of plays, and films.  This crept into my mind since i recently finished watching the film of Richard the III.  It is a short clip and I think you’ll find it useful especially if you are one of those planning a production.